+358 (0)400 898 904 kirsi@kirsielinakallio.fi

Kirsistä sanottua

Noshir Contractor | Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences Northwestern University

Janne Tallqvist, toimitusjohtaja, Groteski Oy

Keskustelut (Kirsin kanssa) ovat joskus rennompia, joskus vakavampia, tärkeimpänä pidän sitä, että suhtaudun avoimesti mentorini sanomisiin. Toisaalta mentorin vastaanottavuus ja kyky ymmärtää on myös isossa roolissa. Kirsin kohdalla molemmat ovat toteutuneet ja olen kokenut saavani erittäin paljon hänen kanssaan käydyistä keskusteluista.” 

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Sonja Martikainen, Head of Business Intelligence, VTT

I have had the pleasure of knowing Kirsi for several years. She is an extroverted, engaging, and proactive individual—truly an Entrepreneur with a capital ‘E’. I particularly value her insights and perspectives on change management, strategic thinking, and business development.

Kirsi’s authentic, people-focused, and present coaching style makes her an intriguing coach. Her book, ‘Modern Leader’, has been a source of inspiration for both me and my team, encouraging us to think strategically about managing operations.

Her ability to blend theoretical knowledge with practical application, and her commitment to fostering a positive impact through leadership and development, set her apart. Kirsi is not just a coach but a visionary who understands the nuances of modern business challenges and how to navigate them successfully.

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